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Beautiful Christmas Cards
Kiadás éve:
156 oldal
25,5 x 32,2 cm
Beautiful Christmas Cards
Alexandra Adami
Bolti és Online ár:
4 000 Ft
Az árak tartalmazzák az Áfá-t!

Taken from the personal collection of Alexandra Adami, which she painstakingly assembled over 10 years, this magnificent selection showcases 60 of the most magical Christmas cards, all distinguished by their originality and creativity and sent by famous, prominent and lesser-known families. It's said that Christmas brings out the child in all of us, so it's appropriate that many cards feature little ones enjoying this special holiday. And, in true Christmas spirit, part of the proceeds from this wonderful book will be donated to the CLIC Sargent Center- Caring for Children with Cancer. ? Introduced by Lady Helen Taylor, daughter of the Duke of Kent, this ideal Christmas present is a touching evocation of the seasonal spirit. ? Includes 60 of the finest examples of Christmas art from Europe and America. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Clic-Sargent Center for Cancer Care.

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